Monday, August 22, 2011

Back into the swing of things

Last week was the official start of the new school year. I was a bag of mixed emotions about it -- sobbing thinking about Evalee starting a new daycare for a full day after our glorious 10 weeks together. Other days, while Eva was screaming and banging on cupboards demanding a new snack two bites into the one in her hand, I thought, "Yeah okay."
But regardless of my emotions, the day came and we had to reckon with it. And we've been surviving. The first couple hours home are always a little tricky; Travis isn't home yet, I'm trying to make dinner, and Evalee wants to be held and to eat every snack she can find. But then when the dinner is cleared and the dishwasher is loaded, it's pretty freakin' great. We are both there to read her books and help her with her shapes and "find" her in the closet. I get to cuddle with her while she drinks her milk and Travis gets to lay her down to bed. It's the normal I have always wanted.

I am bummed about summer slipping through our fingers, but I'm trying to focus on all the fun fall events to come: our annual trip to Tanner's Apple Orchard, pumpkin carving, choosing Eva's Halloween costume, eating cheeseburger soup, and being comfortable in jeans again.

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