Wednesday, December 5, 2012

One Month Old

The first month of Isabel's life flew by. I know everyone always says that, but I truly felt that way in this case. I couldn't believe a month had passed when it did.
For the first month of her life, Isabel was such an exceptionally great baby. She started sleeping for 4 hours at night for me - and on a couple occasions 5 - which was a blessing since Evalee began getting up at 5:30 or 6 on a regular basis. She also takes her long afternoon nap at the same time as her sister's, which allows me a couple hours to get laundry, cleaning, and cooking done. She seems to have a sensitive stomach and really only cries when she has gas bubbles in her tummy, which is usually around dinnertime. She loves to cuddle, especially with her daddy and Grandpa. At the end of the month, she weighed just over 10 pounds at the doctor's office, putting her in the 75th percentile for her age group.

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