Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eva lately

We've been getting a little bit of the cabin fever blues around the house, but that hasn't slowed Eva down from playing hard, growing big, and learning so much every day. She loves to take pictures, even with her disposable camera she got in her Christmas stocking, which has been out of pictures for a month. She also loves to color, especially cards for people. Around Valentine's Day, she was making her Daddy a card after school every day to hand to him when he came in the door. She very carefully selected the words I needed to write on them and would then systematically pulverize the thing with color until you couldn't read much of anything any longer.

She loves to sing, especially with her princess castle Santa Claus brought her and her ABCs. Dora taught her to count to 10 in Spanish, so she likes her toys to do things in groups of 10s so she can count along. Mostly lately she has become an iPad junky. I would be more opposed to it  if I wasn't seeing how much she is learning from it every day. She knows all her letters, she can count to 20, she can identify letter sounds, piece together puzzles, match cards in a memory game, find numbers in order to complete dot to dots, and follow drawing directions all because of her iPad apps. She loves the Leap Pad Grandma and Papa Kershaw bought her as well -- her favorite game involves feeding, walking, and bathing a puppy, which she thinks is just beyond awesome.

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