You're a half a year old already! People keep saying -- "Can you believe how fast time has flown by?" And I just laugh because the truth is, it's hard to remember what life was like without you in it, baby girl. You have become our whole world and I have loved spending the last six months getting to know you.
You are such a happy and beautiful little girl. Your smile can melt anyone's heart -- from those that know you best to strangers in the grocery aisle. You love to give people hugs and, unfortunately, yank on their hair to tell them how much you love them. You love to giggle with your daddy, snuggle with your mommy, and talk to us both when you wake up in the morning. Your crazy hair has even started to get long enough to lay down! You also love to get sung to; your favorite song is "Plastic Jesus" (by a bunch of different people, but we like to sing the Jack Johnson version). Nothing can distract you from what you are doing quite like our cats, and you love to stare at them and beckon them to you with your jibber jabber (which never, ever works). Everyone that sees you compliments you on your pretty hair, big blue eyes, and wide grin.
Happy (belated) six month birthday Evalee! We can't wait to watch you grow over the next six to come!
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