This week the baby has grown to about 5 1/2 to 6 inches -- roughly the size of a green bell pepper. The baby's senses are also starting to connect to its brain -- it's ability to see, smell, taste, and hear are really starting to develop. Lots of the books I read tell me the baby can almost irrefutably hear and distinguish my voice at this point and most are starting to agree that it can also distinguish noises it hears on a daily basis (so maybe it has opinions by now of the smart alecs in my 2nd hour too).
Tonight we had out 18 week sonogram. Grandad and Grandma Kershaw drove up to meet our little baby, so we had a nice full house to see the baby today. It was truly amazing to see the baby move. It wasn't moving around for our last sonnogram - sound asleep - but I drank some coffee before we went in and I think that helped inspire it a bit to move for us. We got to see it wave its arms, turn its head, move its knees a bit, and even yawn but it wasn't budging from it's position to show us its good for anything. We watched for about a half hour and then eventually had to give up. It's just amazing how clear the picture is when you are there in person. It really makes it all sink in. I hope the next 22 weeks fly by because I can not wait to meet our little baby face to face!
The bright side is because the baby was positioned in such a stubborn way, the sonnogram isn't considered complete because they still need to check for things that weren't visible. This means we get to come back in a couple weeks and have another chance to find out the sex. I read some tips online today for how to get the baby moving, and I am definitely going to try chugging some orange juice before the next round!
We got to take six pictures home, and I'm hoping to find a scanner at school tomorrow so I can get those up so everyone can see what we saw!
We go to see Dr. Maurus on Thursday and I think we will schedule the next sonnogram that day as well. I'll keep everyone posted once we know the day we'll be going in!
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